Essays/linkedin/24-05-21 the founder's dilemmas

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founders_dilemmas_wasserman.png 📚 If there's a book I regret not reading earlier is "The Founders Dilemmas". It's a complete collection of statistics, anecdotes, pitfalls and opportunities every founder can learn from.

As far as I know, Noam Wasserman has the largest ongoing database of entrepreneurial cases. He periodically poses questions regarding the status of their companies, the personal trajectory, etc. to more than 10.000 people.

The book intertwines statistical insights with personal stories, which makes it easier to read and more powerful to find a common ground.

I know I've fallen in many of the pitfalls discussed in the book, some which could have been avoided with a bit of hindsight.

This is a book I definitely recommend keeping at hand and periodically revisiting, especially as challenges evolve and you find yourself in different situations.

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-- 👋 Hi! I'm @Aquiles.

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