Blue ocean strategy

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The strategy (see: [[@kim2015Blue ocean strategy: how to create uncontested market space and make the competition irrelevant]]) uses the visual metaphor of a blue ocean as opposed to a red ocean.

In the blue ocean, you have endless space to move around, wherever you move is fertile ground that can be harvested.

In the red ocean, on the other hand, there is so much competition that the water has turned bloody.

If you need to pick a context in which to operate, it would seem reasonable to focus on the blue rather than the red ocean. That is a trivial thing to think. And that is one of the largest problems: the Blue Ocean strategy gives little insight.

It focuses on explaining that we can redefine the market in order to make our own blue ocean. It goes as far as claiming that Philips revolutionized tea making in England by putting a small filter in their water kettles.

The argument is that most British struggled with scale reaching their tea mugs. Instead of focusing on solving the problem downstream, they focused on solving it "upstream" by adding a strainer to the kettle.

So far, I haven't seen a single person discussing about the blue ocean strategy that has had any kind of deeper understanding, that has used the strategy to define a valid course of action (at least that was not trivially defined by any other methods).


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Aquiles Carattino
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