Correlation between pedagogical approach and science education outputs
Standardized educational tests focus on a specific way of addressing problems. In principle, they try to address the creativity of students to solving problems and interpreting the reality around them. This means that if teachers are focused on transmitting encyclopedic knowledge (i.e. the education is content based instead of science education should be method-oriented), students will fail the tests[@furman2020Aprender ciencias en las escuelas primarias de América Latina].
However, measuring performance using single criteria or quantifying performance using multiple measurements are problematic, and it must be expected that standardized educational tests follow the same lines. If the tests become part of a performance measurement of people (i.e. teachers), there'll be an incentive to work around the poor outcomes. I wonder, what consequences would this have?
On the other hand, I don't see other ways of quantifying basic competences that define scientific literacy in students as they progress through the educational system. Or how to establish weather a change has a positive or negative outcome.
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