EVQuant; high-throughput quantification and characterization of extracellular vesicle (sub)populations
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Author list
- Hartjes, T.A.
- Slotman, J.A.
- Vredenbregt, M.S.
- Dits, N.
- Van der Meel, R.
- Duijvesz, D.
- Kulkarni, J.A.
- French, P.J.
- Van Cappellen, W.A.
- Schiffelers, R.M.
- Houtsmuller, A.B.
- Jenster, G.W.
- Van Royen, M.E.
Extracellular vesicles (EVs) reflect the cell of origin in terms of nucleic acids and protein content. They are found in biofluids and represent an ideal liquid biopsy biomarker source for many diseases. Unfortunately, clinical implementation is limited by available technologies for EV analysis. We have developed a simple, robust and sensitive microscopy-based high-throughput assay (EVQuant) to overcome these limitations and allow widespread use in the EV community. The EVQuant assay can detect individual immobilized EVs as small as 35 nm and determine their concentration in biofluids without extensive EV isolation or purification procedures. It can also identify specific EV subpopulations based on combinations of biomarkers and is used here to identify prostate-derived urinary EVs as CD9-/CD63+. Moreover, characterization of individual EVs allows analysis of their size distribution. The ability to identify, quantify and characterize EV (sub-)populations in high-throughput substantially extents the applicability of the EVQuant assay over most current EV quantification assays.
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