Product development
In modern companies, this is often under the umbrella of the Product Management division (PMO, for example).
It goes through different phases, such as:
- Finding problems worth solving. (See also problem-solution cycle).
- In this case, the jobs theory is an appropriate tool to identify opportunities.
- Creating competitive landscapes
- Identify missing expertise in the company
- Is it a new product or a new feature?
- Designing
- How would a solution to the problem look like?
- Not just UI, also what the user does not see. How is data stored? (User Experience)
- Building
- Iterative releases (easier with software than hardware)
- Prioritization is important
- It has to be iterative with design. Issues and opportunities may arise that require new design choices.
- minimum viable product to test the core features
- Sharing
- Launching
- Sharing with target customers
- Marketing
- Focus on benefits, not features
- Capabilities, not technology
- Differentiation
- Value proposition
- Assessing
- What do we do next?
- How was the process?
- Identify strengths and weaknesses -> What can we do to improve?
- What metrics do you use to judge success? Revenue, number of users?
These are the other notes that link to this one.
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