Aquiles Carattino Open Notes
This website is the public face of the notes I take while reading, thinking, and writing. It means this notes are written for me, not you. There's a chance some will be confusing, incomplete, or maybe incorrect. But it's part of experimenting online and seeing what happens.
Overall, you'll find three types of notes:
- Literature Notes , like the ones I am taking on [ @mazzucato2018 The entrepreneurial state: debunking public vs. private sector myths ]
- Notes as part of my knowledge creation strategy, such as when I think about Product Management .
- Finally, sometimes I make a longer dive and it becomes an essay , like My Story as a Founder .
Many like calling this type of websites a digital garden . This is my attempt at better thinking , while learning in public .
Some of the essays I've written lately:
- Do things that can scale
- My Story as a Founder
- How it feels quitting your own startup
- Professors can enable scipreneurs
- Words in books are like the DNA that describes our ancient history
No Index
This website has no ordered index. The way of navigating it is by following links (and backlinks at the bottom of the page).
Sometimes checking what I'm working on right now can be a good starting point.
Or these are some of the topics that have occupied a lot of my mind in the past and present:
- extracellular vesicles : there's plenty of new biology to be discovered, but it'll required a systems-biology type of approach. It's a field full of potential.
- Entrepreneruship for scientists which relates very closely to technolgy transfer . I'm deeply reflecting how to increase the value and impact of research results.
These are the other notes that link to this one.