Jobs theory and customer journeys

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When creating new products and companies, a common practice is to build a customer journey. Based on a persona, we develop the entire timeline of the person: they see an ad on Facebook, click on a link and enter to the store, check the marketing video, purchase the product, receive it 3 days later, end.

First, I made it too simplistic assuming it was a linear process, as the traditional marketing funnel makes us believe. Secondly it neglects the fact that the customer will face different parts of the funnel at different stages and for different reasons.

In this light, we can think about jobs theory (specifically, the 202303251644 Jobs to be done framework) to come up with a plan that considers different touch points depending on the type of job the customer has in mind.

For example, the information a PI needs to know is very different from the information a PhD, Postdoc, or Technician needs to receive, simply because the job they are trying to achieve is different.

Also, the information each one seeks is different through the customer journey, because the job they are doing is different. Seeking information on "how long it takes to run" is different from "how long does it take to install", or "how shall I dispose the waste".

In all cases, jobs theory can inform which elements should be covered at different stages of the customer journey. What message to use, including the words, pictures, and medium.


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Aquiles Carattino
Aquiles Carattino
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